XVIII Almond Blossom Rally
3 February 2024

The opening car run for 2024 was the traditional ‘Almond Blossom Rally’, which took place on Saturday 3 February 2024. The run took in roads and towns in the central and Eastern parts of Mallorca. The run was organized by Jean Pierre and it is extraordinary that this is his eighteenth consecutive Almond Blossom Rally that he has done for the Classic Car Club! It is an incredible achievement.
This was a well-attended car run, with 23 cars and 45 people turning up on what was a gloriously warm and sunny day, perfect for cars to pull back the sunroofs and enjoy the weather.
We met for coffee at the Cal Dimoni restaurant near Algaida, where we were given instructions for the run, and at around 11am we all set off. Initially, we drove North to Sineu on the Ma 3130, passing Pina and Loret de Vista Alegre on the way. We then drove further North to Santa Magdalida (Ma 3510-Ma 3520) and continued in the direction of Son Sierra de Marina, picking up the Ma 12 heading for Arta. Along this road, we all stopped for a coffee and drinks break at the Rancho Grande Park restaurant. After this we picked up the Ma 3222 and headed South to Manacor and from there we went East on the Ma 4021 to Son Carrio, then Porto Cristo, and then further South to Porto Colom (on the Ma 4014). It was then a short drive inland to our destination Golf Vall d’Or.
It was a lovely run that took in some gorgeous scenery and majestic landscapes and although it was a comparatively long car run at 92 kilometres, it did not seem that long. The fine weather and the easy, accessible roads made it a pleasure to drive, where time and distance did not seem to matter.
At Golf Val d’Or we were welcomed with wine, beer, and soft drinks and given a fantastic three-course meal. The wine continued to flow throughout what was one of the best meals we had had on a car run. Each course was delicious, and the service was exceptional.
There were no questions to answer or tasks to complete on the car run so there were no winners to announce.
We would like to thank Jean Pierre for putting in so much effort and time to put together another great Almond Blossom Car Run. Also, a big thank you to Helen Pitt once again for putting in a lot of work in the background on all the administration side of the Car Run.