This month’s Car Run was held on the 26 March 2023 and was organised by Pam Gardner and Stan Hunter. The weather was fantastic, with not a cloud in the sky, with temperatures reaching over 20 degrees.
This encouraged a large turnout, with around 25 cars in attendance, with many taking their car roofs off. There were many amazing classic cars on show but one in particular stood out, which was an immaculate sleek red and white 1950’s Chevrolet Corvette.
The car run was titled ‘Signs of Spring’ and involved driving in the West of the island. Everyone met at Son Bonet airport for coffee and the briefing, and once this was complete drivers set off on the 70km car run. From Son Bonet airport, drivers were directed to the Festival park roundabout and from there to Bunyola on the Ma-11, then west onto Soller and then down on the beautiful coast road (Ma-10) to Deia and Valledomssa.
Pam and Stan had organised a coffee stop at the Can Costa restaurant, just short of Valldemossa, which went down very well with everyone. Drivers left the Can Costa restaurant and headed south towards Palma and Son Espases on the Ma-1110, and then back up North on the Ma1040 towards Esporles and the Lofthotel Restaurant (Canet), completing the car run. Drivers were treated to a delicious three course meal at the Lofthotel restaurant.
The ‘Signs’ of Spring element of the car run involved drivers being given two sheets of photographs of roads signs that they would encounter on the drive. Each road sign on the sheets had a section blanked out and drivers simply had to write in the missing information. The winner would be the one who completed the most signs correctly. It was a tightly fought contest with many getting most of the signs correct. However, two tied for first place, with 28 out of 29 correct and two tied for third place with 26 correct. Once again the contest was decided by tie break questions and the winners of that were Lou Sutton and Nick Cutler, in second place were Jane and Robert Klevenhagen and in third place were Pierre and Nicole Bonjour.
A big thanks to Pam and Stan for organising this rally and also to Helen Pitt for handling all the administration of the car run.